
Y Respect my blog, as it is your own.
Love me, hate me, you decide.

The Noise Maker


zehnda (:
SECtwo COOL CELL ohsix
21CRC ohseven

The Wants

1] be closer to God.
2] be able to do my QT EVERYDAY.
3] be a GOOD & FAITHFUL servant of God.
4] score at least a B3 for each subject.
5] do well in class.
6] do well in CAMY probation.
7] be a good choir secretary.
8] be a good student (:

The Others

THEotherBLOG (:
1o5 o5 <3
205 ohsix <33
abigail (:
alexandra (:
amanda choo (:
amanda lee (:
amanda lim (:
amanda yow (:
amos (:
amelia (:
ana-mei (:
angela sibert (:
annabell (:
anne kwa (:
anthea (:
ariane goh (:
bella :DDDD
brian (:
caleb kay (:
cassandra tho (:
cheryl ang (:
cheryl low (:
chimene lim (:
chloe (:
christine seah (:
clare ee (:
claudia :D
crystal chew (:
crystal tay <3
daniel ho (:
daniel ho#2 (:
daniel ho sheng (:
daniel ho sheng#2 (:
david choo :DD
david lee (:
dawn (:
deborah (: <333
deborah lock (:
edmund leong (:
ethel (:
eunyse kwok (:
evangeline (:
evangeline wai (:
felicia (:
fidelia (:
francesca (:
gabrielle wai (:
glenda (:
grace (:
grace lum (:
honami (:
iona :DD
isabel (:
jacinta (:
jade <3
jamie (:
janice soon(: <33
jeanette (:
jeremy lim ((:
jessica chow (:
jessie(: <3
joel tang :D
joey (:
joshua lui (:
joshua toh :DD
juliana ng (:
kai (:
ka ying (:
kendra tan (:
kenric (:
lailin (:
lanz :DD
lester ang (:
lucinda mak<3
luxuan (:
lydia lee (:
margaret (:
matilda ng (:
matthew (:
melissa ling (:
melissa yeo (:
melody fam (:
melody ong (:
michelle chern (:
minyang (:
MJ (:
nicole tan <3
nicole tong (:
pearlyn (:
phyllis chong <3
phuisee (:
rafael (:
reika daddy (:
samantha whang (:
samantha ho (:
samuel tan cuz (:
samuel tan (:
sandra chua<3333333333
serene (:
serene leong (:
shazlin (:
sicheng (:
soek khern (:
stir (:
stir pictures(:
surin (:
tan zhenpeng (:
tiffanie (:
theodora (:
trishal GHE (:
ulindra (:
vanessa liew (:
vanessa soh :D <33
vivian (:
vivienne (:
weizhe (:
yongbing (:
yuen ching (:
yushan (:
zaneta (:
zanita (:


Way back then

May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
September 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007


Designer: Tammy
Brushes: Inobscuro, At0mica, Echoica, Veredgf, Puzzle,
Fonts: Dafont
Image: Deviantart
Image Host: Photobucket
Others: Adobe Photoshop CS

Saturday, July 29, 2006

okays, going for R-AGE AWARENESS LATER(:
yesyes , i shall not use the word B*** today.
as what jade has tagged on my blog, i'm supposedly use that word in EVERY post.
yeah. so i shall not use it this time :D anyways, gtg now.(:

in the name of love.
12:35 PM